La Ferme de Froidmont

Connecting humanity to nature sustainably

Atelier Design La ferme de Froidmont

We had the privilege of collaborating with Froidmont Insertion, a social project that reconciles humanity with nature. Froidmont Insertion is more than just a vegetable garden, a restaurant, or a training center; it’s a vision of a circular economy and sustainable growth. At the core of this collaboration, our communication agency worked hand in hand with Froidmont to create a digital identity that matches their mission while simplifying access to a wealth of information.


  • Digital branding
  • UI/UX
  • Custom wordpress
  • Custom woocommerce
  • Illustrations
View website
Examples of illustrations created for the Froidmont farm by our creative communications agency in Brussels.
Examples of illustrations created for the Froidmont farm by our creative communications agency in Brussels.
Example of Froidmont's visual identity by Atelier Design

Harmony with nature, sustainability, and humanity

Digital transformation of Froidmont Insertion’s visual identity

In partnership with Froidmont Insertion, we profoundly revamped their digital visual identity to fully reflect their mission and resonate with their audience. Through a series of evocative illustrations highlighting the social aspects of the project and the use of modern, warm colors, we crafted a design that is both clean and deeply focused on the human element. The result? A digital identity that breathes sustainability and reinforces harmony with nature while emphasizing the social impact of the project.

Detail of the graphic charter created for Froidmont by Atelier Design
Froidmont website designed by Atelier Design communication agency Brussels
Detail of a screen from the website created for Froidmont by Atelier Design

Autonomous sales, simplified Management, and strengthened social impact

Redefining the digital experience

The establishment of Froidmont Insertion’s online store goes beyond the simple sale of products. It represents a crucial step towards the organization’s autonomy, thus enhancing its social impact. This platform not only facilitates the sale of subscription-based fresh produce baskets and high-quality gardening equipment but also streamlines the initiative’s internal management.

Simultaneously, we thoroughly reorganized the website, which was rich in information. Menus were streamlined for straightforward and efficient navigation. All content was meticulously organized and structured to cater to the needs of its audience. This new digital identity, combining the website redesign and the online store, reinforces Froidmont Insertion’s mission: connecting, educating, and progressing.

Details of Froidmont Farm's digital visual identity designed by our communications agency.
Setting the scene for Froidmont Insertion's responsive design by Atelier Design
Setting the scene for Froidmont Insertion's responsive design by Atelier Design
Detail of Froidmont's woocommerce e-shop by Atelier Design agence de communication Brussel
Details of communication materials for froidmont by Atelier Design
Details of communication materials for froidmont by Atelier Design

For a stronger societal impact

Connecting, educating, and progressing with a renewed digital identity

Froidmont Insertion, buoyed by its new digital identity, now embodies a force for positive transformation. The revamped website, with its simplified navigation and meticulously designed content, serves as the foundation for this evolution, enabling smooth access to a wealth of information for its audience, thereby enhancing its educational mission.

In parallel, the online store adds a new dimension to this project by enabling the autonomous sale of subscription-based fresh produce baskets and high-quality gardening equipment, all while streamlining internal management. This evolution, supported by a harmonious digital identity, strengthens Froidmont Insertion’s commitment to nature, education, and autonomy.

Froidmont Insertion, with its revamped website and online store, serves as a living example of how an adapted digital identity can amplify a social and environmental mission.

La ferme de Froidmont


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La ferme de Froidmont